Poetry Recitation Competition

Poetry is the rhythmical creation of beauty in words.


Recitation activities help students build confidence as they learn to speak more accurately and persuasively about any piece of writing. Keeping this in mind, Shivalik Hills Sahodaya (Hoshiarpur) organized a Poetry Recitation Competition for its member schools. The whole competition was divided into three categories: Punjabi, Hindi and English. Each group was given a theme. For English, the theme was hope/dreams; for Hindi, the theme was Veer gatha; and for Punjabi, the theme was Nature. All the participants presented their poems in such a fascinating manner that the judges and audience were left spellbound. The main purpose behind conducting such competitions is to build self-confidence and develop oratory skills and self-expression among the students. Students from Darshan Academy, Dasuya, also participated and brought laurels to the school name. Jasmeen Kaur from 3B participated in the Punjabi category and won first prize. Harshdeep from class 10 participated in the English category and bagged third prize, and Navni Sharma from class 8 participated in the Hindi category and received an appreciation award. Addressing the audience, Mr. Rasik, principal and president of Shivalik Hills Sahodaya, said that students should be encouraged to participate more and more in such literary competitions. He added that nowadays, there is a great trend among children to create videos. Instead of wasting time on viewing and making useless content, if they created content highlighting these talents and creativity related to education, they would be applauded and appreciated by all and would also make their parents proud. With these words of wisdom, the competition wrapped up.

" You cannot change your future, but, you can change your habits, and surely your habits will change your future."