Darshan Academy, Dasuya held a virtual summer camp for students 3-18 from May 27 to June 3, 2021, with full zeal and enthusiasm. Activities included aerobics, dance & freeze, tongue twister, yoga, meditation, mother chef, nani–dadi story sessions, art and crafts, helping mom, master chefs, 
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An activity named ‘My Alien-My Buddy’ was organized for Darshan Academy, Dasuya students of grade IV in their English class. Students were asked to imagine what aliens would look like, draw their pictures, give them a proper name and speak on the topic ‘Imagine you met 
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Students of grade UKG at Darshan Academy, Dasuya learnt more about their ancestors and showed their artistic skills by making beautiful family trees.  
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“You can’t use up creativity; the more you use, the more you have.”  Darshan Academy, Dasuya grade 4 students created cute, colorful and harmless rolled paper snakes in their art and craft class. They made different things using the art of papercraft. 
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Henry Ward Beecher has rightfully said, “Every artist dips his brush in his own soul and paints his own nature into his pictures.” Tiny tots of grade nursery of Darshan Academy, Dasuya took part in a cotton and bindi pasting activity in their arts and crafts class. They made 
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Salads are a healthy and nutritious way to complement our diet. A salad decoration activity was organized for the students of grade LKG at Darshan Academy, Dasuya. Students made beautiful designs and patterns with different mouthwatering salads. The objective of this activity was to encourage 
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Students of Grade UKG made beautiful paper crowns in their Spiritual Curriculum class. They wrote ‘I am a peace maker’ on it and learnt different ways of promoting peace around the world.#CrownMakingActivity#DarshanAcademy#DarshanAcademyDasuya
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"Dream, Dream, Dream. Dream transforms into thoughts and thoughts result in action. "