Darshan Academy, Dasuya, organized a cricket tournament on April 29, 2023, for the four houses, Compassion, Empathy, Peace and Service.  The event started with the introduction of the players to the principal, Mr. Rasik.  The semi-finals were then conducted between the houses. Compassion House and 
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To appreciate and thank the selfless service of the support staff who work with utmost dedication to ensure hygiene and security, Darshan Academy, Dasuya, celebrated Labour Day. To make the day special and as a mark of respect, the staff and students presented a token 
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Students are always full of energy and enthusiasm, but all this needs to be channeled in the right direction so that they choose suitable courses and career options. Darshan Academy, Dasuya, organized an Education cum Career Fair for the students of Darshan Academy and other 
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There are many ways in which the ones who God blesses in abundance can help those who are less fortunate. By supporting the underprivileged, we can make society a better place for everyone. No matter what our circumstances may be, we can always do something 
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Darshan Academy, Dasuya, celebrated Children’s Day on the school premises. The day focused on children and their enjoyment and was commemorated with immense joy, enthusiasm and magnificence. Students came dressed in colourful clothes and brought their favourite dishes. The celebration began with the teacher’s morning 
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Science is simply the word we use to describe a method of organizing our curiosity. Thus, to cater to the needs of curious minds,  Science Project Week was organized at Darshan Academy, Dasuya, where students from nursery-XII showcased their creativity on November 19, 2022, the 
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We are searching for Love all over the world, and it lies deep within us. A spiritual talk was organized at Darshan Academy, Dasuya, for students and teachers. Ms. Surjit Kaur and Ms. Anugreh were the eminent resource persons. Ms. Surjit first held a session 
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Success is not how high you have climbed, but how you make a positive difference to the world.   Darshan Academy, CBSE Affiliated School, Dasuya, was awarded as one of the Top 500 Schools of India in the categories of Excellence in Innovative Practices, Excellence 
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Education for girls on menstrual health is a crucial school intervention to ensure health, well-being and equal learning opportunities. To help adolescent girls understand it better, the school counselor, Ms. Priyanka Kaur held a session on menstrual hygiene. Topics discussed included premenstrual signs and symptoms, 
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A  special session dedicated to safeguarding and protecting our growing toddlers was organized on good and bad touch.  The children learnt to identify the “no touch” areas, to understand who are safe adults, and to whom to report when there is an alarming situation. They 
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"Dream, Dream, Dream. Dream transforms into thoughts and thoughts result in action. "